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Cattery Maintenance Procedures

By: June Crowe - Updated: 10 Sep 2018 | comments*Discuss
Cattery Maintenance Regulations Property

When you own a cattery boarding business you have to have a proper maintenance routine so that you comply with the regulations set out in your licence to board cats. Your conditions of having a licence will state all the requirements governing the buildings that are used as a cattery.

Ongoing Maintenance

When you have a cattery full of boarders it is not easy to keep the inside of the cat pens/chalets in good repair, but it is essential that you look around at least once a week and make a note of what needs doing in each pen/chalet.

Cats like to sharpen their claws, and will use whatever is handy for them. It could be the ladder that they use to access the sleeping quarters. It could be the door itself or any other part of the pen/chalet that is made of a material that they like. It is essential that there are no sharp surfaces or angles that a cat could injure itself on, so look around, make notes and as soon as the pen/chalet becomes vacant, make sure the repairs are done.

You must always be on the look out for avenues of escape. Even the smallest gap can be an escape route for a wily cat, and the worst possible scenario would be to have a cat escape while it is in your care.

Light fittings need checking regularly to make sure they are safe and have bulbs that work. All catches, bolts and locks should be checked on a regular basis, any loose screws should be tightened or replaced. Your eyes and hands are your best tools inside the cattery, if a surface feels rough to your touch it will certainly feel rough to a cats paws.

Outside Property Maintenance

The outside of your cattery will need regular maintenance, any property maintenance that you would do on your house should also be done on the cattery. The roof needs to be inspected for potential holes. Depending on what material has been used for the roof, it could deteriorate over time and needs regular inspection.

You will need to make sure the rain cannot permeate the roof and leak into the pens/chalets. Any external doors need to be weatherproof and have good substantial locks fitted. Windows need to shut properly and the latches need to work properly.

Annual Inspections

A council officer from the environmental health office will inspect your cattery at least once a year. There is a strict list of regulations covering every aspect of running an animal boarding establishment. There are regulations that will cover every part of your cattery and the council officer will go through a check list.

Anything that needs attention will be written down and you will receive a letter telling you what you need to do to comply with the regulations. Hopefully there will be very few things that you have overlooked and you will always be given time to put things right.

Be aware that if you contravene too many regulations, the officer does have the right to close your premises down until they are happy that everything has been put right. Only very bad catteries are closed down, and it is usually more to do with not looking after the cats properly. No one will close you down because you haven't smoothed off that rough area of wood, but keep on top of the maintenance for your own peace of mind.

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I am thinking of starting a very small cattery using my existing garage, I.e 4 pens each with its own cat flap leading to an outside run, I would very much like to hear from anyone who has done this so I can find out how to get started, pit falls etc., Thank you Carole
Screwdriver - 10-Sep-18 @ 11:42 AM
@lou have you found the answer on this site? If not, hope one of our readers can help you.
StartACattery - 3-Nov-14 @ 2:05 PM
I am writing a report for a college assignment on how to build a boarding cattery and I'm looking into different types of locks that can be used on the entrance of the building. any ideas will be much appreciated.
lou - 2-Nov-14 @ 1:00 PM
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